Instant heirloom gifts: tools!

December 22, 2017 2 min read

Gift giving can be a stressful aspect of Christmas. Our daughter Rachel asked me what I wanted for Christmas this year, and I was absolutely stumped. I couldn’t think of a thing I really needed. I wouldn’t know what to buy for myself, I told her.  And I think that is a common feeling. You’d like your gift to others to be something that they will use and keep for a long time. 
One year Rachel’s family did give us an unusual gift that got used. It was a colorful nylon banner. We mounted it off the porch deck, the deck that is the main entrance to our home. It was a welcoming and colorful sight and lasted for years.
Tools make great gifts and stocking stuffers for your favorite human. We all need tools—men, women, and kids of both genders. Give the gift that will get used and last a lifetime: a quality tool. My grandfather was a wise man. He gave tools for Christmas—tools I treasure to this day. My favorite was a tool he made for changing tires. It was a piece of a leaf spring from a Model A Ford, and a beautiful, practical, home-made pry bar.
Most of us accumulate a collection of tools as we go along in life. Every family should have a basic set of tools around the house, including screwdrivers, hammers, tape measure, some kind of a saw for wood, a saw for metal, files, rasps, pliers, a crescent wrench (technical name: open-end adjustable wrench). and others. And, of course, a roll of duct tape. All of these things will come in handy sooner or later.
Ho, Ho, Ho!
And tools will also come in handy for getting your special flags flying in the new year. Stop by Flagsrus to look at our supply of lovely flags so you're ready to celebrate each season or event the new year brings to you!

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