My baby and me.

May 17, 2016 1 min read


You and me and baby makes 3.

The expectation and preparation for the arrival of a a new baby is a huge event for a family. Expecting parents are anxious if it’s their first child and can’t wait to share the news with everyone. This “Here comes my baby” house flag will help in spreading the news.


Grandparents to be are getting ready to snuggle and cuddle the cute little bundle of joy. A new baby in the family is exciting for everyone, aunts, uncles and cousins will be lining up to see the newest family member. Having a baby house flag to greet everyone is a really nice touch.


Maybe you are on baby number two or three and already know if it’s a girl or boy, we have flags to help announce that news as well. Spreading the news about the new baby via house flags brings a smile to those who are just passing by.

Why not surprise the expecting couple with their very own baby announcement flag they make a great gift for the baby shower. Congratulations to all the parents who’ve recently welcomed a new member to their family.


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