Ring the Bell!

February 17, 2019 2 min read

Today marked the last day of treatment for my mother's breast cancer, so she was able to ring the bell in celebration.

When she went in for her regular mammogram, they found an area that did not look right, so they decided to do a biopsy and confirmed that she did, indeed, have breast cancer.

Cancer is not a word that anyone wants to be told that they have. It completely changes everything about your current world. They were able to schedule her for surgery the next day, so we came home, made the proper arrangements and headed back to the hospital very early the next morning.

They were able to get all of the cancer removed with surgery and we were thankful that it was not in the lymph nodes. The next step was to discuss what type of treatment she would need.

Mom decided that the best treatment option for her was radiation every day for 3 weeks. So, after she healed from surgery, we started the hour long trips to the cancer clinic for radiation.

As I would sit there, day after day, waiting for mom, I would see the same faces, over and over. My heart went out to each and everyone of these people that had also been told, they have cancer.

Obviously, I did not know there diagnosis or prognosis, but I knew their life had too been changed and that their story could have a happy ending or perhaps they had just been told that there was nothing else that could be done.

So many beautiful women who came in with hats, scarves, and many different types of head coverings showing the true effects of their treatment.

As she came out from her last treatment, all of the nurses stood outside of the treatment room and they invited me to come and witness the ringing of the bell, confirming she was done with treatment.

What an emotional sound that was. I was shocked at the rushing of feelings that overcame me, as I watched mom ring that bell with all that she had.

Mom is doing great and will regain her strength more and more everyday. We pray for all of the wonderful people that we met while going through treatment and know that their lives are forever changed too.

It is important to take note of your friends, family or neighbors that may be going through cancer treatments themselves and see what you can do to help them. Perhaps cooking them a meal, offering to drive them to their appointments and very important , offering an encouraging word. 

FlagsRUs offers a great variety of products that would be a great blessing to someone that may need some encouragement. Choose just the right one and know that you are blessing them greatly.

Happy Trail Farms reminds you to count your blessings and to look for opportunities to help, to encourage, to help, whomever is put in your path!

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