Think Spring!

January 26, 2015 2 min read


Ahhh…the smell of flowers after a fresh spring rain, trees budding, children splashing in puddles, all makes for a perfect day.

Okay maybe I’m a bit early as we are just about halfway through winter, but a little birdie told me it’s the right time to start getting things ready for the gardens. Along with ordering seeds for your favorite flowers and vegetables, you can also plan out the yard decorations like flags and banners.


Recently while out around town I found two homes that are already putting up some spring themed yard flags, now that is some positive thinking! There is nothing wrong with being prepared and for the avid gardener there is no time like the present to lie out the plans for the spring season. I remember my dad would start his seeds in a grow box in our family room so that he had healthy young plants by the time the gardening season was starting. This early planning always made the kick off to his garden a more enjoyable experience.


Another way to spruce up the yard and garden is a yard spinner. Those little whirly gigs are a fun animated addition to your current yard decor. With a variety of options one can easily add these into a current theme.

All this spring gardening and splashing about in rain puddles can get messy, we need to keep the house free from muddy footprints. Never fear, we also have doormats of all varieties that help keep the outdoors, well, outdoors. Browse thorough our themed doormats, I’m sure you’ll find just the one for you.


I hope you enjoyed our little detour into warmer weather during these chilly months. So keep this feeling going and browse through our spring supplies.

Happy almost spring!! 


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