Doormats By Vendor  

We have organized doormats here by vendors for easy shopping. We carry doormats from Carson, Custom Decor, Evergreen, Jeremiah Junction, Magnet Works & Toland.

Comparison of brands:
Doormats from Custom Decor and Magnet Works are medium thick mats with a rubberized, grippy backing. Toland and Jeremiah Junction mats are thinner and flimsier, without any rubber backing. Evergreen regular mats are generally medium thick mats with rubberized, grippy backing. Evergreen also has Dimension collection, featuring thick, heavy duty mats with textured top. Evergreen's Imperial collection is not as thick as Dimension mats. Evergreen also makes Sassafras mats or Switch mats, which are smaller sized, medium thick mats with rubberized, grippy backing. Any decorative tray shown with doormat, does not come with the mat; it is available separately. Also check out our year round set of 4 doormats and a mat tray at value price!
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