Welcome to the Blog!

January 03, 2015 2 min read

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Hello everyone and welcome to the Flagsrus blog.

My name is Russ Kennedy and I have been a part of the Clown Antics family since shortly after Blake purchased the company in 2009. When Blake took over the helm, the idea was take a great online store “Clown Antics” and also make it a place to learn more about the world of clowning. Pamelawho is so much more than just a purchasing manager, invited me to turn my magic and clown class instructions into articles for the company. Blake is a terrific person and has made me feel right at home in his growing company. Blake and Pamela have expanded one company into two other successful websites and now have come into the wonderful world of decorative flags. We have an outstanding team of people and encourage you to read about them on the FAQ page of the website.

So what happens hear on the blog page you ask? This is where we share ideas, photos and even interesting stories about our product line and things that encompass that world. I always love to receive comments from our viewers on the other websites and hope that our viewers here will join in the fun. If you have something you would like to see posted, please share your ideas. This is after all a place to share the passion of flags.

Personally the purchase of this company is fitting as Ron and Sue, former owners of Clown Antics, always had a decorative flag hanging on the mailbox of their Michigan home. The photo of the Dragonfly, no that’s not photo shop, was taken by yours truly in the back yard garden of Ron and Sue’s home.

Please check back often to see what’s new! If you wish to share a photo of your flags and how you put them to use or an even a fun story, contact me at russ@clownantics.com, perhaps we can share them with everyone here.

Thank you for giving me a moment to share a little about our journey so far and we look forward to bringing great service to our new family at Flagsrus.


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